Monday, 23 January 2012

Own response to brief and planning of our sequence.

The task we were told to do was an opening of a film sequence. Firstly we decided on which genre to do, we selected a thriller. We all had our own indiviual and unique ideas, but our final decision was made as a group. We all contributed to what the sequence was going to be like and displayed that we work efficiently as a team and are able to incorporate contrasting concepts and formulate one which was much more inventive.
Our idea was a very unnatural and unpleasant topic. Therefore we wanted to show our theme in a way which was not over the top or uneasy for our audience watch, as we didn't want the them to feel uncomfortable. We decided to base the sequence around a paedophile who presents himself as an average 'gas man' in order to enter teenagers homes, and 'gain' their trust.
 We wanted to include flashback, as a main feature to hint at how evil he is, but not make it to intense or inappropriate. We show the man studying a picture of the main character as a child, we then see him go upstairs to the girl hinting what he is going to do but keeping the enigma and the suspense of the sequence.

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