Welcome to my AS Media Studies blog. This is where you can learn all about the topics I am studying this year in media. I hope you find it interesting.
- Credits (1)
- Evaluation (1)
- Final Version (1)
- Group Meeting 1 (1)
- Group Meeting 2 (1)
- Group Meeting 3 (1)
- Group Meeting 4 (1)
- Group Meeting 5 (1)
- Group Meeting 6 (1)
- Individual Response to Brief and planning of sequence (1)
- Opening Credits Analysis (1)
- Opening Title Analysis (4)
- Opening Titles Analysis (1)
- Preliminary Sequence (1)
- Research for Audience FeedBack (1)
- Research for Production Companies (1)
- The revisions we made after the Audience FeedBack (1)
- What i have learnt from 'feed the fish' (1)
Friday, 23 March 2012
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
The Credits.
Th credits for the film were a lot of pictures of letters put together to spell our names. Editing became the main piece of work so it when we came to finish the film and we were going to make into a film file we the realised we had to put the credits on. We put the photos in a Final Cut Express file this was then saved and exported as a QuickTime file which then was saved to the main file. The film clips were sorted out and our names were out into the film. The clips had to be reversed as that's how the group wanted the names.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
The revisions we made after the Audience Feedback
The main point we got from doing the Audience Feedback was the music at the end was not dramatic enough and it had a tone which was not suspense but a noise of stimulation and would maybe contradict the storyline of the film. This was changed and we put a track that put more suspicion into the sequence.
Reseach into Adience Feedback
The only audience feedback we did was a very useful bit of research as we got other people in the class to see what the film was like and give us useful information of how to improve and gave us tips on things that we didn't see ourselves looking at the film. This was very useful as we had the chance to see what the film was like to an audience and see what others in the room thought of it.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Research for Production Companies
The group researched producton companies that have worked on big thriller films becuase of our filmm being a thriller. The films that have been made are on a larger scale but tkain points from the films to make our film as good as it is able to be
- Paramount Pictures
- Picture house
- Pixar
- Dreamworks
- 20th Century Fox
- Paramount Pictures
- Picture house
- Pixar
- Dreamworks
- 20th Century Fox
Monday, 23 January 2012
What I have learnt from 'Feed the fish'
The things I have learnt from feed the fish are that the lighting is very important to show what the feelings of the characters are. The lighter lighting shows the feeling of happy, bright, pleasing thoughts. Darker lighting shows feelings of anger, suspicious activities. To have a better understanding the lighting should of had more detail put into it and we should of used it in a way to show feelings in a better way. The other thing we have learnt is to upload the footage with a lot of time before the task is presented. If there is a good amount of weeks or however long before the task is handed in, if there is any footage (which was the problems we had when uploading the footage) that doesn't upload, then there is enough room to go and film and then upload again before the task is handed in.
Group Meeting 6
This week we were editing our film still and showing the skills we had to present a complex style of editing and use the didting to get our film to be as good and present the story in the easiest but dramatic way we were able to. The editing was the main topic but the group disscussed the music and the type of sound that we want in the opeing sequence.
Group Meeting 5
This was the filming and editing part of our opening sequence. Once we had visited different locations we started to film and all took the same amount of work in doing the work that had to be done. The first part of filming was done and we had all the film needed to start putting it on the computer, this was then ready to start editing it.
Group Meeting 4
This Group Meeting was for the props and costumes for the different people.We decided on the paedophile having a luminous coat and a hat that was over his eyes to sort of hide his identity. We then though on the girl, she should be wearing a dressing gown to show her vulnerability. The other thought we had was for the other characters should wear school uniform to show their age.
Group Meeting 3

The next Group Meeting involved doing the storyboard. We did the first one on a post-it note so that if we wanted to add any or change it then we would be able to do that easier. Once we had done that one we drafted one up on a real storyboard.
Group Meeting 2
The second Group Meeting we had an idea of what we were going to do and now would decide who would be playing the roles of the characters.
We decided the settings had to be houses to make it look like they are young girls doing in normal houses doing normal things (like in their room with ipods). We decided to write out what we wanted so that we knew what we wanted to film and shoot.
Group Meeting 1

The first meeting we had was when we decided what we were going to do. We were told the task and then had to develop our ideas to make it our own. We first got a piece of paper and started to brainstorm everyone's ideas. Then we decided on which genre to do. The genre we decided on was Thriller. We decided to have a paedophile who let himself into a girls house with her knowing nothing about him but his history being presented to the viewers by each step he walks up an image of him with other girls is shown.
Own response to brief and planning of our sequence.
The task we were told to do was an opening of a film sequence. Firstly we decided on which genre to do, we selected a thriller. We all had our own indiviual and unique ideas, but our final decision was made as a group. We all contributed to what the sequence was going to be like and displayed that we work efficiently as a team and are able to incorporate contrasting concepts and formulate one which was much more inventive.
Our idea was a very unnatural and unpleasant topic. Therefore we wanted to show our theme in a way which was not over the top or uneasy for our audience watch, as we didn't want the them to feel uncomfortable. We decided to base the sequence around a paedophile who presents himself as an average 'gas man' in order to enter teenagers homes, and 'gain' their trust.
We wanted to include flashback, as a main feature to hint at how evil he is, but not make it to intense or inappropriate. We show the man studying a picture of the main character as a child, we then see him go upstairs to the girl hinting what he is going to do but keeping the enigma and the suspense of the sequence.
Our idea was a very unnatural and unpleasant topic. Therefore we wanted to show our theme in a way which was not over the top or uneasy for our audience watch, as we didn't want the them to feel uncomfortable. We decided to base the sequence around a paedophile who presents himself as an average 'gas man' in order to enter teenagers homes, and 'gain' their trust.
We wanted to include flashback, as a main feature to hint at how evil he is, but not make it to intense or inappropriate. We show the man studying a picture of the main character as a child, we then see him go upstairs to the girl hinting what he is going to do but keeping the enigma and the suspense of the sequence.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Opening Titles - Rimanzo Criminale
When analysing this title sequence the titles were very readable and simple, they stood out but they fit in with the story that they present to the audience with the images they show of the film. The titles are simple which helped us as a group have an idea to what our titles were going to be like.
Opening Credits - Repo Man
The titles on this film shows the use of the color on a uncolored background. It shows how the colours are made to catch the viewers attention and the engima attatched that there is going to be some sort of difficulty. The bright contrasting colours portrays the old, detective popular films that have a type of chase or somewhere there is going to need a location. The colours used show the film is an action.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
The Feed the Fish Peliminary Task
The 'have you fed the fish?' task was a good way to show how we interpreted it and how we could use it to produce something different and that had our own views and opinions on it. The idea we had was to take 'the fish' as a person to portray the strange, suspicious activity of the characters. We did it in a way that the viewers would have been able to form their own opinion on what it was before the 'feed the fish' idea was revealed.
Using a range of shots to get the feeling of weird, creepy, criminal behaviour, the high angle shot when the character is going up the stairs at a high speed shows she going away from something, she is looking like she wants to get away from there quickly as if she has done something wrong. The high angle of the character opening the door shows the lower status of the character and that the other character has a higher status because of the high angle that she is going into somewhere with a person of higher status. Using the shots of point of view it gave the viewers a way to be part of the film, it felt as if the viewer was the person the character was talking back to. This let the viewers into the film more and showed them what the characters are seeing.
The problems we had when we did the preliminary task involved editing and filming, when we uploaded the film the footage that we had hadn't uploaded and we didn't know where it had gone, we didn't have a chance to film anymore before the task had to be handed in so we didn't have the shots we wanted but the film still worked.When the character says 'have you fed the fish?' the line is used in a way in which something secret is being done because of the way it is spoken, this puts questions in the viewers minds to what the line would mean? This let's the viewers make up their own mind of the story.
Monday, 9 January 2012
Opening Title - The Wire
This opening sequence portrays a sequence of events which show a wide variety of crimes with people taking part in them. This is obviously shown using the images of police departments, guns, handcuffs. It uses continuity editing to show a narrative in the 1:31 of the titles. Editing in this sequence is fast, showing a sense of fast pictures which indicates the type of movie this is, a fast paced action, crime film. The style and features show items used by gangstas in films like, a lot of money, cards, looking like they are playing a card game, and gambling things.
The editing is done with fast shots with a lot of short scenes giving the viewer the feel of the setting and showing the fast, action genre of the film with the short scenes giving a bit away to what the film, is like but not in a way where the film idea is given away. The sequence uses a lot of middle shots to show a lot of the setting, the tracking shots are also used a lot to feel as if the viewers are there and as if they have a front row seat.
The sound is very old motown, typical in these types of films to show to the audience that the setting is a very derelict place. It is a non digetic sound which is how they portray the atmosphere for the film. The credits are shown in the bottom of the screen using a informal font which also shows the theme of the film, gangster with action and adventure. The viewers are given a good few images to give them a feel for what the film like and this would give them enough information to make them want to watch the actual film.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Opening Titles - The Shining.
The opening sequence of this is simple and does not present anything to do with the film or what the storyline is or what the genre is. It is a very basic opening sequence with not a lot showing anything. The edits are very easy and simple and this doesn't present the audience with any genre thoughts or what the film is about. The shots are simple and the main thought of this opening are that it is easy, not presenting the genre or the storyline and doesn't give a lot away about the whole sequence.
Opening Title - Mission Impossible
This opening sequence of Mission Impossible shows the fast moving images and the equipment used by spy's to present the genre of action to the audience. The use of the quick editing shows that this film is a fast paced action film where the actors use equipment that presents the genre to the audience. The sequence is good in how it gives the viewers a good idea to the genre of the film but doesn't give the storyline away in to much detail. The main character is shown in the first part of the scene which shows his role. The storyline of the film is not given away too much but the genre and the characters are introduced. The soundtrack is a good way of showing the excitement of the rest of the scene.
Opening Title - Enter The Void
This is a very different opening sequence because of the huge amounts of colour and fonts the titles use. The different fonts and colours used in this title excite and get the audience to be fixated on the screen being fascinated by the fonts and colours the titles use, there is no pictures and still the viewers are drawn to the images on the screen. The names of everyone in the film are so fast when they are put on the screen that there isn't any chance for the people who are watching the film to see any of them so because of the fast titles the viewer is invited in by the colours and fonts instead of reading and seeing the names.
The different colours and fonts shows the names of the poeple in the film in a different way because if the names flashed up with no colour or different fonts then the titles would be boring because there is no pictures. The characters that are the main characters are shown first and the other people that are in the film are shown after but they are all done with different colours and fonts and this is a good way to present the viewer with the names but in a way that the the viewers like and would think that it is different to other titles. The music is very differrent it's a non diagetic sound which adds to the tempo and thrill of the opeining, with fast paced beats, this is also adding to the speed of the titles, with the music playing the titles seem to be flashing faster at the viewer.
The titles move so quickly that the film is presented to the viewer as a fast paced film with action adventure and a crazy different, unreal film that is not like other typical films that are produced.
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