Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The Credits.

Th credits for the film were a lot of pictures of letters put together to spell our names. Editing became the main piece of work so it when we came to finish the film and we were going to make into a film file we the realised we had to put the credits on. We put the photos in a Final Cut Express file this was then saved and exported as a QuickTime file which then was saved to the main file. The film clips were sorted out and our names were out into the film. The clips had to be reversed as that's how the group wanted the names. 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

The revisions we made after the Audience Feedback

The main point we got from doing the Audience Feedback was the music at the end was not dramatic enough and it had a tone which was not suspense but a noise of stimulation and would maybe contradict the storyline of the film. This was changed and we put a track that put more suspicion into the sequence.

Reseach into Adience Feedback

The only audience feedback we did was a very useful bit of research as we got other people in the class to see what the film was like and give us useful information of how to improve and gave us tips on things that we didn't see ourselves looking at the film. This was very useful as we had the chance to see what the film was like to an audience and see what others in the room thought of it.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Research for Production Companies

The group researched producton companies that have worked on big thriller films becuase of our filmm being a thriller. The films that have been made are on a larger scale but tkain points from the films to make our film as good as it is able to be

- Paramount Pictures
- Picture house
- Pixar
- Dreamworks
- 20th Century Fox